Monday, July 30, 2012

Jennie Malingers...

I should really be packing and preparing to move, however procrastination (and exhaustion) have reared their ugly heads and rendered me helpless to my fate. In the spirit of productive procrastination (you know, the type of procrastination that one experiences before their ten page paper is due to clean their entire house, make cookies, and exercise; really do anything BUT the required task), I have sat down to blog and share an article with you that I have found highly beneficial.

Click here for your reading pleasure

Sunday, July 22, 2012


For those of you who are coming from far away (there are many of you; one of the detriments of both Yuri and I moving so far from home), there are a couple of hotel options in the sidebar on the right. The Holiday Inn is probably the closest, approximately a 5 minute drive to the venue, and a 10 minute drive to the airport. The address is 2520 Portage Avenue.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heat Wave

In the midst of this prairie heat wave, it has dawned on me that we are "mid-summer" and our wedding date is a mere two months and 14 days away. Or as Yuri likes to say, "10 weeks". Either way, it is approaching fast and I am left with mixed emotions which include sheer panic, anxiousness, excitement, anticipation, and the knowledge that a life changing event is about to occur. Marriage. Huh.

As Mary Oliver so wisely admonishes, "What can we do but keep breathing in and out?"

This upcoming week I am working on packing up my attic room. It is a bitter sweet experience, as I am closing the chapter of my single life, about to part ways with my amazing roommates, and moving towards the unknown: "living with a boy". 

                                                               But what a boy he is

Friday, July 6, 2012

Invitations have been sent!

The first wave of invitations have been mailed and passed out this week. There are a few lingering envelopes floating around the house, and I'm excited to check this off my to-do list. Yuri and I have been busy lately, and it doesn't appear that things will be slowing down any time soon.

An Update On Our Lives (In case you were wondering):
-Taking our engagement photos, and creating our invites. Thanks to Tatyana for her amazing photography skills.

-Meeting with our venue, figuring out which i's are left to dot. There are at least 23 "i's".

-A June holiday in Toronto: exploring the streets of downtown, spending time with Yuri's family and friends, attending the wedding of Yuri's friends, Vitaly and Meeshka, and of course indulging in the best Chinese buffet I have ever encountered.

-Going strawberry picking in Elma, MB. Yuri is excited to make strawberry jam, and I am very excited to sample it.

-Searching for, and finding an apartment, yay!

-Attending several (3) weddings of some dear friends so far, and anticipating a couple more before the end of the summer.

-Trying to decide which flowers to use. It's so HAAARD! I love them all!

-Planning our upcoming road trip to Nelson, BC to visit with my family and, of course, conquer the Kokanee Glacier.

                                                                   Cheers, friends