Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heat Wave

In the midst of this prairie heat wave, it has dawned on me that we are "mid-summer" and our wedding date is a mere two months and 14 days away. Or as Yuri likes to say, "10 weeks". Either way, it is approaching fast and I am left with mixed emotions which include sheer panic, anxiousness, excitement, anticipation, and the knowledge that a life changing event is about to occur. Marriage. Huh.

As Mary Oliver so wisely admonishes, "What can we do but keep breathing in and out?"

This upcoming week I am working on packing up my attic room. It is a bitter sweet experience, as I am closing the chapter of my single life, about to part ways with my amazing roommates, and moving towards the unknown: "living with a boy". 

                                                               But what a boy he is

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