Friday, July 6, 2012

Invitations have been sent!

The first wave of invitations have been mailed and passed out this week. There are a few lingering envelopes floating around the house, and I'm excited to check this off my to-do list. Yuri and I have been busy lately, and it doesn't appear that things will be slowing down any time soon.

An Update On Our Lives (In case you were wondering):
-Taking our engagement photos, and creating our invites. Thanks to Tatyana for her amazing photography skills.

-Meeting with our venue, figuring out which i's are left to dot. There are at least 23 "i's".

-A June holiday in Toronto: exploring the streets of downtown, spending time with Yuri's family and friends, attending the wedding of Yuri's friends, Vitaly and Meeshka, and of course indulging in the best Chinese buffet I have ever encountered.

-Going strawberry picking in Elma, MB. Yuri is excited to make strawberry jam, and I am very excited to sample it.

-Searching for, and finding an apartment, yay!

-Attending several (3) weddings of some dear friends so far, and anticipating a couple more before the end of the summer.

-Trying to decide which flowers to use. It's so HAAARD! I love them all!

-Planning our upcoming road trip to Nelson, BC to visit with my family and, of course, conquer the Kokanee Glacier.

                                                                   Cheers, friends

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